This shot is boring, but its not really bad. There's movement, there's some emotion and she still looks pretty.
Nik's shot had nice movement but the face kinda brings it down for me. It lacks emotion.
Coryn's was a bit generic/lazy, as are most of her shots.
Diane's had the emotion but it lacked movement.
Bre's was too much. It looks like she got shot in the chest.
Kyle's was just not a good angle on her face. It looked almost mannish even.
Jayla's face in her shot was too much. It got a bit ugly.
Lisa's shot was the only one with emotion that had great movement.
My critique: Nicole is resting on youthful pretty, little emotion. Nik is photogenic, but her arm looks anorexic. Coryn shows beauty, maybe missing that extra POW. Diane looks like an actress. Bre is FIERCE. Kyle is a hot mess. Jaylas pirceing works wonders. Lisa is a no neck monster gym teacher!
Nik's shot had nice movement but the face kinda brings it down for me. It lacks emotion.
Coryn's was a bit generic/lazy, as are most of her shots.
Diane's had the emotion but it lacked movement.
Bre's was too much. It looks like she got shot in the chest.
Kyle's was just not a good angle on her face. It looked almost mannish even.
Jayla's face in her shot was too much. It got a bit ugly.
Lisa's shot was the only one with emotion that had great movement.