Okay who's not gonna look badass with a bow and arrow and a veil? .. But nether the less she managed to contort her body and created an interesting shape her jaw line looks nice.
I like the leg! It's quirky!!! Haha and I was soooo surprised to see her yelling at Angelea!!! But it was a good kind of yelling. I actually really liked the drama this episode! It was a real drama with no fakeness and I thought that was much more entertaining than some of those fake catfights in previous cycles.
I love the photo but I think most of it is made by the styling. I love Laura but the show made her the star in this episode and I think its unfair for the other girls. But yeah, a deserved call-out.
how is this FCO? What is she selling? If its the dress, I definitely don't want to buy it. Laura has one of the worst porfolios this cycle. Not sure why she is still here...oh thats right...shes a kiss ass.
This was a great photo and I'm glad it got first call out. BUT the judging seemed to be a bit confusing. Last panel they she was on the bottom two for not making her label match with her photo (her photo was not "loveable") and yet this isn't loveable but cool and she gets first call out? O.o (I'm saying I'm glad she got FCO but the judges are plain confusing)
This photo theme was just an opportunity to the photographer to show the world that he can do sport. was that necessary for him to show to girls how to play each sport???