Oh wow, the three girls in the front stood out (or I'm just biased coz they're all my favorites). Heather looks like a queen surrounded by her harem of sexy slaves. Mila is so damn gorgeous too. She has a lot of meat in her, Bianca would have told her to look at her thighs in the mirraaaahhh and she'll just smile and laugh and beam out a ray of positive energy her way. Lisa looks good too.
Call out list goes like this..Chantal, Lisa, Heather, Kimberly, Jenah, Mila, Victoria, Sarah, Janet, Ambreal, Saleisha (WOW, and yes, she looks that bad in this pic), and Ebony, ugh, nasty angle..
Love the way Lisa's owning Kim in this shot. Jenah and Heather also look great, but Chantal's the only one who really captured the light and angle well.
My cycle 9 elimination order: 13. Mila x Ebony- Eliminated Mila. 12.Bianca x Ebony-Eliminated Bianca. 11. Saleisha x Chantal-Eliminated Saleisha. 10. Ambreal x Kimberly-Eliminated Ambreal. 9. Ebony x Kimberly-Eliminated Kimberly. 8. Victoria x Janet-Eliminated Janet. 7. Lisa x Sarah-Eliminated Sarah. 6. Victoria x Lisa-Eliminated Victoria. 5.Ebony x Heather-Eliminated Ebony. 4.Lisa x Heather-Eliminated Heather. 3. Chantal x Lisa-Eliminated Lisa. FINAL 2: Chantal and Jenah. ANTM is CHANTAL!!!
Worst cycle ever in my opinion. I honestly disliked every single girl except Ebony, Victoria and maybe Chantal/Jenah. The fact that Scandaleshia won is a huge slap in the face to viewers...
Heather and Chantal look AMAZING, so there's a big gap after them before anyone else