She has a wonky eye and she is slightly cross eyed. And her eyebrow looks like it was half shaven off. Although, she is slowly growing on me. I just reviewed all the episodes of cycle 14 this weekend, and looking back there were a lot of times were Raina was a bitch. Like when she was talking crap and starting stuff about Naduah, and during th confessional with Alasia, and a lot of other little incidents...
^ but isnt that what confessionals are for?? to get the crap off your shoulders thats bothering you? I think it was childish that alasia was listening in and then was starting a fight when its like "what were expecting? confessionals are for talking shit!"
^ but most the cowardly "non confrontational" reality stars talk shit in the confessional while the REAL reality stars of the show do their shit talking in person lol