Last comments - leanne |
Cycle Eighteen Group2154 views02/21/12 at 18:56leanne: given the show's track record, ANTM is due fo...
Jessica Serfaty520 viewsPhoto: Orlando Perez
For: The Walter Collection10/06/10 at 04:51leanne: Christina Aguilera.
Eugena Washington2280 viewsPhoto: Shamayim
For: Seven Tribes Magazines09/08/10 at 03:08leanne: very Naomi-esque.
Tatiana Dante4709 views09/08/10 at 03:05leanne: i do see some Paulina... and a stronger Katie Holm...
Elina Ivanova1406 viewsPhoto: Rodrigo DeMedeiros
For: 425 Magazine09/08/10 at 02:49leanne: i find her pose a little off. the chicken, however...
Kim Stolz2107 viewsFor: Seventeen, August 200409/08/10 at 02:42leanne: i see some Gwyneth Paltrow here. maybe it's ...
Katie Cleary536 viewsPhoto: Sylvain Von K08/26/10 at 02:27leanne: Salma Hayek too.
Katie Cleary461 viewsPhoto: Sylvain Von K08/26/10 at 02:27leanne: Salma Hayek.
Anchal Joseph1149 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman08/21/10 at 12:07leanne: again?
Lexie Tomchek2119 viewsFor: Hush Chicago Magazine, May 201008/21/10 at 12:04leanne: she looks different from pic to pic.
Courtney Davies1057 viewsPhoto: Elizabeth Stoyanov08/21/10 at 12:03leanne: there's the pose Jessica c14 does.
Jessica Serfaty821 viewsPhoto: Aaron Okayama Photography08/21/10 at 12:01leanne: so does Courtney c13.