Photos of every ANTM contestant!
Last comments - coco
Anchal Joseph6680 viewsPhoto: Patrik Giardino59 comments07/08/11 at 06:46coco: dont kid yourselves. she was like the worst and ug...
Dominique Waldrup1531 viewsPhoto: Mario Cantu8 comments07/01/11 at 00:19coco: r u kidding me? she doesn't even deserve to h...
Rhianna Atwood5347 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks86 comments09/13/10 at 08:55coco: She's ugly and won't stay long in the co...
Nicole Fox10307 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker140 comments08/13/10 at 09:14coco: Omg she didn't even deserve final 5
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