Last comments - Canadagirl1234 |
Angelea Preston543 viewsPhoto: Paul Tirado11/26/13 at 23:33Canadagirl1234: LOL what the hell?
Natasha Galkina11033 viewsPhoto: Kane Skennar11/25/13 at 01:19Canadagirl1234: I never understood all the hate about this photo.....
Natasha Galkina8430 viewsPhoto: Carlos Rios11/25/13 at 01:18Canadagirl1234: She looks possessed here
Jaslene Gonzalez551 viewsPhoto: Puranjoy Gupta
For: New Woman Magazine, May 2012 11/25/13 at 01:17Canadagirl1234: Looks like she just farted...
Jaslene Gonzalez11369 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker11/25/13 at 01:15Canadagirl1234: I always hated her CG photo... there's just s...
Sandra Nyanchoka961 views11/25/13 at 01:12Canadagirl1234: I love it! at least she's selling the sh...
Sandra Nyanchoka956 viewsPhoto: Francesca Andre11/25/13 at 01:12Canadagirl1234: "Don't grab my ass in public please babe...
Brooke Staricha624 viewsPhoto: Jean-Claude Photography11/25/13 at 01:10Canadagirl1234: The backdrop is gorgeous, but she kind of looks ou...
Natasha Galkina291 viewsPhoto: E. Masi
For: Vogue Italia, October 200911/25/13 at 01:03Canadagirl1234: Yaaay!! ;D Natasha on Vogue <3
Nicole Linkletter313 viewsPhoto: Jake and Necia Photography11/25/13 at 01:03Canadagirl1234: She got married?
Nicole Linkletter293 viewsPhoto: Jake and Necia Photography11/24/13 at 23:58Canadagirl1234: She hasn't aged a bit
Robin Manning7347 viewsPhoto: Daniel Garriga11/24/13 at 20:57Canadagirl1234: This is so awkward oml I feel bad for the g...
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