Photos of every ANTM contestant!
Last comments - JQ
Natalie Pack9491 views128 comments01/31/09 at 00:22JQ: whoever took these preshow pics should be fired.
Natalie Pack5397 viewsPhoto: Anna Cruz35 comments01/31/09 at 00:21JQ: i knew I saw something in her pre-show pic! getti...
Allison Harvard22103 views257 comments01/29/09 at 23:29JQ: charly89, please delete the comment. some people ...
Sandra Nyanchoka8142 views138 comments01/29/09 at 23:28JQ: ^Naima was so LAME. One of the worst winners IMO
Celia Ammerman5411 views37 comments01/29/09 at 23:23JQ: she looks better here. i think a lot of the presh...
Aminat Ayinde2571 viewsPhoto: VzMALA Photography11 comments01/29/09 at 23:22JQ: that thigh Embarrassed
Aminat Ayinde10238 views104 comments01/28/09 at 16:29JQ: Aminat evolved into Venonat!
London Levi11206 views152 comments01/28/09 at 16:21JQ: ^antonia is a character from a comedy show. he...
Natalie Pack9491 views128 comments01/28/09 at 14:57JQ: ^LOLLLLL
Fo Porter12006 views145 comments01/28/09 at 14:52JQ: she reminds me of smiley/leilene from flavor of lo...
Celia Ammerman11096 views137 comments01/28/09 at 14:50JQ: she looks ANCIENT
Aminat Ayinde10238 views104 comments01/28/09 at 14:50JQ: meh.
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