Photos of every ANTM contestant!
Last comments - Niiiiick
April Wilkner750 viewsPhoto: Manny Roman9 comments04/17/10 at 03:21Niiiiick: They may have retouched just a tiny bit too much, ...
Whitney Thompson960 viewsFor: Torrid31 comments04/17/10 at 03:19Niiiiick: Ew.
Alexandra Underwood6295 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz94 comments04/16/10 at 09:20Niiiiick: I also think I'd like it better if her hair we...
Alasia Ballard6074 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz118 comments04/16/10 at 03:58Niiiiick: I think it's pretty cute, actually. The hair l...
Alexandra Underwood6295 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz94 comments04/16/10 at 03:56Niiiiick: I still love her facial structure and I'm digg...
Angelea Preston9189 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz217 comments04/16/10 at 03:50Niiiiick: It's very pretty and effortlessly feminine. Sh...
Anslee Payne-Franklin4935 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz75 comments04/16/10 at 03:44Niiiiick: She looks pretty and a little younger here, but it...
Jessica Serfaty7505 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz107 comments04/16/10 at 03:33Niiiiick: Disney princess promoting her next album. Dislike ...
Krista White8617 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz136 comments04/16/10 at 03:27Niiiiick: The arm is random and I think the dress looks ridi...
Raina Hein9008 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz115 comments04/16/10 at 03:16Niiiiick: Weird styling for a Covergirl picture. It's a ...
Cycle Ten Group13156 viewsLauren Utter, Stacy Ann Fequiere, Whitney Thompson, Anya Kop, Dominique Reighard, Katarzyna Dolinska207 comments04/15/10 at 08:16Niiiiick: Love Lauren, Kat, and Anya here (in that order). N...
Whitney Thompson422 viewsPhoto: Scarlett Lillian4 comments04/15/10 at 04:13Niiiiick: I don't see how it could be the stylists fault...
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