Last comments - chungchungxavier |
Rae Weisz449 viewsPhoto: Emily Utnu
For: Ghost Dancer Jewelry Collection, Winter 201208/20/12 at 13:56chungchungxavier: Wowwwww ~~~~~ Rae modeling for "The Blair Wi...
Naduah Rugely523 viewsPhoto: Gail Bowman
For: Fashion Chicago Magazine, November 201008/18/12 at 15:15chungchungxavier: Nip-Tuck !!!
Sandra Nyanchoka323 viewsPhoto: Wendy Hope
For: Essence Magazine, May 201208/18/12 at 15:06chungchungxavier: Is it True that some tribal women in Africa would ...
AzMarie Livingston496 viewsFor: London's Guardian Magazine, September 201008/18/12 at 14:54chungchungxavier: She looks WAYYyyyyyyyy too much like a man here . ...
Heather Kuzmich762 views08/18/12 at 14:49chungchungxavier: Ummmm............. Heather could do better , I gue...
Jessica Serfaty128 viewsPhoto: Brent Bingham
For: LaTour Restaurant08/18/12 at 14:43chungchungxavier: THIS is ............ NOT very good . Jessica got ...
Whitney Thompson259 viewsPhoto: René August08/18/12 at 14:34chungchungxavier: Ewwww ............. she looks SOOOOOOO "Full ...
Brittany Markert387 viewsFor: Better Than Dead08/18/12 at 14:31chungchungxavier: Wowwwwww !!!!!! SHE is a Movie Star !!! Yay ~~~~...
Ashley Howard355 viewsPhoto: Hannah Saleh
For: Cinhte Magazine, Issue 608/18/12 at 14:26chungchungxavier: ^^Ummm ......... sorry , Bryan , Do you mean "...
Annaliese Dayes301 viewsPhoto: Buki Koshoni08/18/12 at 14:20chungchungxavier: Ummmm ..............
Ashley Howard355 viewsPhoto: Hannah Saleh
For: Cinhte Magazine, Issue 605/19/12 at 15:13chungchungxavier: hmmmm ........... ???
Sophie Sumner4313 viewsPhoto: Jez Smith05/19/12 at 15:09chungchungxavier: For me , the BEST top 2 EVER would probably be th...
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