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Home > Cycle 5 > Jayla Rubinelli

Last comments - Jayla Rubinelli
Jayla Rubinelli6402 views33 comments07/16/08 at 14:59Michelle&AmandaBabin: I love the hand, its very elegant and the face is ...
Jayla Rubinelli6853 viewsPhoto: Richard Dean35 comments07/16/08 at 14:58Michelle&AmandaBabin: The curves are nice, but the arm is stiff and the ...
Jayla Rubinelli6256 viewsPhoto: Jason Willheim43 comments07/16/08 at 14:56Michelle&AmandaBabin: I see neck. Its gorgeous, but the attitude that we...
Jayla Rubinelli7818 viewsPhoto: Janice Dickinson35 comments07/16/08 at 14:55Michelle&AmandaBabin: Thats gorgeous. I agree that most of the shots roc...
Jayla Rubinelli7380 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal43 comments07/16/08 at 14:53Michelle&AmandaBabin: The picture is gorgeous, but I have to agree, the ...
Jayla Rubinelli7155 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo27 comments07/16/08 at 14:52Michelle&AmandaBabin: The angles are so interesting, but the face, I'...
Jayla Rubinelli6236 views38 comments07/16/08 at 14:50Michelle&AmandaBabin: Those eyes are to die for. She looks very modelesq...
Jayla Rubinelli6616 viewsPhoto: Michael Ruiz38 comments07/16/08 at 14:49Michelle&AmandaBabin: Smile, I see alot of neck. Its just that she's...
Jayla Rubinelli3567 views11 comments07/16/08 at 14:47Michelle&AmandaBabin: Beautiful.
Jayla Rubinelli3533 views20 comments07/16/08 at 14:47Michelle&AmandaBabin: Looking good. I love this shot.
Jayla Rubinelli7155 viewsPhoto: Craig de Cristo27 comments07/13/08 at 17:25bravesgurl500: She looks like a washed up drugie, that looks horr...
Jayla Rubinelli6256 viewsPhoto: Jason Willheim43 comments07/10/08 at 15:58louisacnd: I dunno, it doesn't work for me... She looks g...
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