Last comments - Sara Albert |
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/29/08 at 00:30Soren: I dont see overrated, I dont see that she went dow...
Sara Albert6378 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/19/08 at 04:31mrbam: It's not so bad.Her body does look awesome lik...
Sara Albert7198 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson06/16/08 at 14:23: That's what I thought. I don't even know w...
Sara Albert7198 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson06/16/08 at 09:59Jaylen: Her lips are that big
Sara Albert1600 viewsPhoto: Heather Drake06/13/08 at 09:43AngelManos205: Oh god! This is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Sara Albert1005 viewsPhoto: Heather Drake06/07/08 at 21:59butteredtoast84: I love this shot of Sara. Her face looks so fierce...
Sara Albert995 viewsPhoto: Heather Drake06/07/08 at 21:58butteredtoast84: Look how blue her eyes are! So pretty!
Sara Albert2590 views06/07/08 at 21:52butteredtoast84: I can see why she was chased down.
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/07/08 at 00:03ALuv4modelz: This shot is so ovverated
Sara Albert734 viewsPhoto: Josue Pena06/04/08 at 17:37bornnnyc123: hate the hair
Sara Albert734 viewsPhoto: Josue Pena06/04/08 at 05:17mrbam: This looks like she's just really spaced out s...
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester06/03/08 at 22:45Mechum22: ^ I thought of that too, louisacnd. It would seem...
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