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Home > Cycle 6 > Sara Albert

Last comments - Sara Albert
Sara Albert9211 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments08/04/08 at 20:33yenegonrocks: This is OK, but NOTHING compared to Joanie's o...
Sara Albert6342 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana40 comments08/04/08 at 20:31yenegonrocks: It's nice, but I prefer Joanie's and Lesli...
Sara Albert6378 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester33 comments08/03/08 at 15:42LaLoLu: Kari could work this. lol.
Sara Albert3115 viewsPhoto: Jay Lawrence Goldman16 comments08/03/08 at 15:42Michelle&AmandaBabin: ^Maybe a little, but she's still gorgeous.
Sara Albert6342 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana40 comments08/03/08 at 15:41LaLoLu: She had probably The mos interestin phoTo, ThaT we...
Sara Albert5866 viewsPhoto: Richard Reinsdorf34 comments08/03/08 at 15:39LaLoLu: She's Topless
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester62 comments08/03/08 at 15:38LaLoLu: This was her best in ANTM.
Sara Albert3115 viewsPhoto: Jay Lawrence Goldman16 comments08/03/08 at 15:37LaLoLu: She looks scared.
Sara Albert9211 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments08/02/08 at 09:39theo_rodriguez: Although Sara did copy, I still got say that she s...
Sara Albert7198 viewsPhoto: Thomas Klementsson41 comments08/02/08 at 09:37theo_rodriguez: She looks so gorgeous here, sexy dirty sophisticat...
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester62 comments07/23/08 at 18:14Michelle&AmandaBabin: There's not much room for improvement when you...
Sara Albert8015 viewsPhoto: Pascal Demeester62 comments07/18/08 at 12:22Killian: Indescribable and incredible. And this was her ver...
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