Last comments - Sara Albert |
Sara Albert6806 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne12/15/08 at 19:33MoreThanThis93: My GOD she looks really tall here! (maybe because ...
Sara Albert657 views12/15/08 at 19:12david18: hot. love the eyebrow.
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:37Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: elite chicago... they must be trying to milk her m...
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:34david18: yes. it's true. 8th wonder of the world.
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:33Michelle&AmandaBabin: @David, VON? With ELITE????
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:32Jesse_Dillon: ^ Same here.
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:31Katarzyna-Jenah-McKey: I'm sorry but Sara C6 is so plain and commerci...
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:29david18: true. von just isn't a model. hard to believe ...
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:27Michelle&AmandaBabin: Its true that Dankleman was a bit big, But I didn&...
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:25david18: please. whitney was NOT there because of talent.
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:21RunFiercely: Sarah Von took a grand total of two decent picture...
Sara Albert1685 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography12/15/08 at 16:20Jesse_Dillon: This Sarah didnt kno what the heck she was doing, ...
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