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Home > Cycle 6 > Sara Albert

Last comments - Sara Albert
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments02/05/09 at 14:04Jesse_Dillon: ^Rite. She still produced a good shot...... Its ju...
Sara Albert9212 viewsPhoto: Pongsak Tangtiwaja104 comments02/05/09 at 07:18curdledsauce: Even if Sarah tried to imitate some of Joanie'...
Sara Albert6157 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker36 comments02/05/09 at 07:15curdledsauce: It's a good photo but I'm not liking the h...
Sara Albert731 views4 comments02/03/09 at 02:28Who_Will_Be_ANTM: Imagine her CoverGirl shot!
Sara Albert731 views4 comments02/03/09 at 02:20RunFiercely: Beautiful!
Sara Albert731 views4 comments02/03/09 at 02:15david18: This is so pretty!
Sara Albert731 views4 comments02/03/09 at 02:10Who_Will_Be_ANTM: my dear god! i LOVE Sara!!!!
Sara Albert3757 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography
For: Engaged! Magazine, Fall 2008
13 comments02/02/09 at 16:58Who_Will_Be_ANTM: ^finally? FINALLY?! Surprised Sara was and IS gorgeous ...
Sara Albert7913 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker55 comments01/31/09 at 17:01kandykaine: she aced the first semester and fluked the last ex...
Sara Albert6157 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker36 comments01/30/09 at 01:39david18: It's a great angle for her face.
Sara Albert6157 viewsPhoto: Jim De Yonker36 comments01/30/09 at 01:36Jesse_Dillon: She def got the sad part down
Sara Albert1111 viewsPhoto: Regeti's Photography3 comments01/28/09 at 02:12Who_Will_Be_ANTM: is that sara?
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