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Last comments - Cycle 4
Michelle Deighton6373 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson30 comments05/31/08 at 19:27: This is my favorite shot of her. It's eerie bu...
Michelle Deighton6458 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte29 comments05/31/08 at 19:26: This is good. She really looks like an Eskimo. The...
Michelle Deighton12222 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne89 comments05/31/08 at 19:25: This is a great picture.
Michelle Deighton8084 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt39 comments05/31/08 at 19:23: The mouth looks a little odd. Maybe she should of ...
Michelle Deighton5451 views36 comments05/31/08 at 19:22: I liked her looks before but this took her to the ...
Michelle Deighton5393 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker23 comments05/31/08 at 19:20: This was a great start for her.
Naima Mora1363 views30 comments05/31/08 at 19:17: Introducing Cycle 4's winner of America's ...
Tatiana Dante3437 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog
8 comments05/31/08 at 17:27Roxixane291: I love the painting here!
Naima Mora1363 views30 comments05/31/08 at 16:29Heartbeat_Rock: FUG
Naima Mora1363 views30 comments05/31/08 at 14:10bornnnyc123: thios looks like a candid, not a test shot
Naima Mora1363 views30 comments05/31/08 at 14:07ChaChaDiva101: O_O Creepy Shocked
Naima Mora11471 views99 comments05/31/08 at 13:49steagle: to me the mouth looks like it was added on and her...
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