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Last comments - Cycle 4
Keenyah Hill1189 viewsPhoto: Derek Blanks7 comments12/20/10 at 13:42teddy1975: pretty
Kahlen Rondot14281 views110 comments12/20/10 at 00:09: at first glance its gorgeous and very eye catching...
Naima Mora2321 viewsFor: Samsung4 comments12/18/10 at 11:16TaiOfMine: ^ Probably not, it's a scan of a magazine pag...
Naima Mora2321 viewsFor: Samsung4 comments12/18/10 at 11:03maximiwax: could that be elise in the background?^^
Michelle Deighton8275 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf61 comments12/09/10 at 19:15itsrespucia12: this is scary! Its a drag queen trying to eat me! ...
Naima Mora11500 views99 comments12/06/10 at 17:04iLoveKatarzyna: ew i just noticed how weird the lips are. other th...
Kahlen Rondot14281 views110 comments12/06/10 at 17:03iLoveKatarzyna: i don't really like this that much. the smile...
Keenyah Hill6939 views63 comments12/06/10 at 17:02iLoveKatarzyna: the smile looks forced and fake, the shoulder is g...
Tatiana Dante6466 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf39 comments12/04/10 at 23:03puppetmasters21: Worth elimination. Worse than Keenyahs.
Rebecca Epley4527 views28 comments12/04/10 at 16:29mazhar: This is the best makeover of this cycle. I truly l...
Naima Mora13808 viewsPhoto: Johann Wolf56 comments11/30/10 at 03:08microfiltered: love this
Naima Mora12499 viewsPhoto: Anton Robert57 comments11/30/10 at 03:07microfiltered: ew Embarrassed
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