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Last comments - Cycle 4
Sarah Dankelman3080 viewsPhoto: Lei Harris
For: Stuff Magazine
14 comments12/15/13 at 17:09Canadagirl1234: How pathetic of her to call someone a "porn p...
Sarah Dankelman3175 viewsPhoto: Lei Harris
For: Stuff Magazine
14 comments12/15/13 at 17:08Canadagirl1234: derekholla had me crying Laughing Laughing Laughing oh 2...
Brandy Rusher2032 views26 comments12/14/13 at 19:27Canadagirl1234: Probably my favorite shot of this site imo Confused
Brandy Rusher1404 views10 comments12/14/13 at 19:25Canadagirl1234: This photo is super mysterious to me and kind of f...
Lluvy Gomez10257 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne72 comments12/12/13 at 21:14Canadagirl1234: Worst photo in ANTM history? HA! Not even the wors...
Lluvy Gomez5967 viewsPhoto: Delaney & Gitte34 comments12/12/13 at 21:12Canadagirl1234: This shot is gorgeous, eliminating her over Noelle...
Lluvy Gomez5773 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson47 comments12/12/13 at 21:10Canadagirl1234: Its funny, I always thought her photos weren'...
Tatiana Dante3456 viewsPhoto: Gabbeli Photography
For: People Magazine’s Celebrity Baby Blog
8 comments12/08/13 at 16:57Canadagirl1234: Creative but there's really nothing sexy abou...
Noelle Staggers5467 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne42 comments12/01/13 at 23:06Canadagirl1234: Brandy was robbed Confused
Brita Petersons3708 views18 comments12/01/13 at 22:08Canadagirl1234: Why did she think she was fat? I don't rememb...
Keenyah Hill3062 viewsPhoto: Sterling Photography54 comments12/01/13 at 15:12Canadagirl1234: Well, Keenyah has always been unexpected Confused
Keenyah Hill3062 viewsPhoto: Sterling Photography54 comments11/30/13 at 20:34iLoveKatarzyna: this is the lowest rated shot in the entire galler...
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