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Last comments - Cycle 4
Brittany Brower9267 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt40 comments08/03/11 at 21:04Aerial: Her first shot was "way too sexy", now I...
Brittany Brower7619 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker35 comments08/03/11 at 21:02Aerial: I agree with you all and the judges: too sexy, hoo...
Brita Petersons6423 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker51 comments08/03/11 at 21:00Aerial: Killer legs, too bad she was way old to model - an...
Brandy Rusher7633 viewsPhoto: Tracy Bayne52 comments08/03/11 at 20:58Aerial: It's really beautiful, it would be easily top...
Brandy Rusher5968 viewsPhoto: Danielle Levitt32 comments08/03/11 at 20:57Aerial: Not a fan of the face, but pose is alright. Bottom...
Brandy Rusher5603 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker44 comments08/03/11 at 20:56Aerial: I actually love it. Girl can model, despire her lo...
Keenyah Hill2826 views9 comments07/31/11 at 21:20NikkySan: To be quite honest, I don't get why it's...
Naima Mora1108 viewsPhoto: Oswaldo Saiki3 comments07/30/11 at 03:23wqr1989: From the United States, California fashion brand J...
Naima Mora1037 viewsPhoto: Oswaldo Saiki4 comments07/30/11 at 03:23wqr1989: From the United States, California fashion brand J...
Naima Mora1533 viewsPhoto: Oswaldo Saiki7 comments07/30/11 at 03:22wqr1989: From the United States, California fashion brand J...
Naima Mora1544 viewsPhoto: Oswaldo Saiki3 comments07/30/11 at 03:22wqr1989: From the United States, California fashion brand J...
Lluvy Gomez5780 viewsPhoto: Mathu Anderson47 comments07/29/11 at 18:16Cicilove4: I honestly think this is a lil sexy. I like it! I ...
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