Last comments - Cycle 4 |
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 20:51: This photo is so strong and powerful and she looks...
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 20:51Tacita: Good, but all kinds of photoshop.-
Naima Mora1076 views03/02/10 at 20:50Tacita: She looks old, and her nose looks horrible.-
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 18:32antmchocholate: wow! this is rlly good!
Naima Mora1076 views03/02/10 at 18:28Dubbad2: i don't really like it that much
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 18:27Dubbad2: just goes to show how beautiful her face really is
Naima Mora1076 views03/02/10 at 15:13diegoxstar: looks like bahia from she's got the look XD bu...
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 15:05antmfan20: is this recent??
Naima Mora1076 views03/02/10 at 12:44maximiwax: it looks nothing like her!
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 12:43maximiwax: one cheek, the neck and even her eyes look photosh...
Naima Mora1209 views03/02/10 at 11:17teddy1975: One of the best pictures of her
Lluvy Gomez1319 viewsPhoto: Aaron Draper
For: Bride Nouveau03/02/10 at 10:52LaLoLu: I think her eyes look pretty here. They have looke...
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