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Home > Cycle 9 > Kimberly Leemans

Last comments - Kimberly Leemans
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/28/09 at 19:36tflats: To me there is just something off about Kimberly&#...
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/27/09 at 23:21david18: Taylor Swift isn't pretty to me. Kimberly, on ...
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/27/09 at 22:49tflats: She DOES resemble Taylor Swift, though Taylor Swif...
Kimberly Leemans7064 viewsPhoto: Matthew Jordan Smith73 comments05/27/09 at 22:15neovala: I was just looking through her close-ups and then ...
Kimberly Leemans1218 viewsFor: Imagen, April 20088 comments05/20/09 at 13:37shyho: Yay she is getting covers Work It, hate the suit t...
Kimberly Leemans811 viewsPhoto: Sorin
For: Cantoire
3 comments05/16/09 at 10:07LaLoLu: Sorin from JDMA? xD
Kimberly Leemans498 viewsFor: Fiumicelli, Spring 20093 comments05/08/09 at 20:19tflats: There's just something a little off with her. ...
Kimberly Leemans1142 viewsFor: Imagen, April 20089 comments05/07/09 at 16:27LaLoLu: ^I didn't like her skin on the show, so I'...
Kimberly Leemans498 viewsFor: Fiumicelli, Spring 20093 comments05/06/09 at 15:50: Kim is like the pedestrian/glamour version of Kata...
Kimberly Leemans498 viewsFor: Fiumicelli, Spring 20093 comments05/06/09 at 15:48Who_Will_Be_ANTM: the body is great and the face is a li'l Katar...
Kimberly Leemans986 viewsPhoto: Jerritt Clark8 comments05/06/09 at 11:44Lilstarrgazr: I love this look on her.
Kimberly Leemans765 viewsPhoto: Jerritt Clark3 comments05/06/09 at 11:41Lilstarrgazr: She can pull off the 40's look well.
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