Last comments - Cycle 20 - GUYS & GIRLS |
Nina Burns1406 views08/08/13 at 06:41jooney: she has the best portfolio, most unique look and r...
Alex Agro2380 viewsPhoto: Yu Tsai08/08/13 at 06:05jooney: same pose over and over again .
Chris Hernandez2525 viewsPhoto: Lennette Newel08/06/13 at 23:49puppetmasters21: Seriously the most low budget shoot They've e...
Chris Hernandez2399 viewsPhoto: Sarah Silver08/06/13 at 23:47puppetmasters21: Chris is such a babe and this picture is just an i...
Marvin Cortes1172 views08/06/13 at 14:02Molebucks: he reminds me so much of that guy from the wanted....
Cory Hindorff1027 views08/06/13 at 13:55Molebucks: giant kingdom hearts feet
Don Benjamin230 viewsPhoto: Ricardo Mareno08/06/13 at 07:36ANTMguy: looked like chris brown in the thumbnail
Alex Agro139 viewsPhoto: Mauricio Paiz08/05/13 at 03:25puppetmasters21: All of this new Alex stuff is really impressive
Nina Burns2476 viewsPhoto: Sarah Silver08/05/13 at 02:05Pinco: those eyes
Nina Burns1406 views08/05/13 at 02:03Pinco: pretty doll
Chris Hernandez and Jourdan Miller2511 viewsPhoto: Mark "The Cobra Snake" Hunter08/05/13 at 02:00Pinco: this man and this girl is my top 2
Jeremy Rohmer and Jourdan Miller2336 viewsPhoto: Douglas Friedman08/05/13 at 01:57Pinco: They looks like a couple
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