Last comments - Annaliese Dayes |
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 18:49RihannaVsNickiMinaj: Why the hell was she in B3? Tyra is so biased.
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 17:56Bellhop36: I actually think this picture is amazing... howeve...
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 16:42stretchomania: i love the face, but when it comes to the body i d...
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 11:04anthonyboii :]: ^ how would it make you sound like a hater? Everyo...
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 04:53NikkySan: I hate to sound like a hater, but she did awful ag...
Annaleise Dayes2491 viewsPhoto: Miguel Jacob03/29/12 at 02:22atothet: FINALLY she lives up to her potential!! I love thi...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/27/12 at 03:13anthonyboii :]: i don't really like it.. sorry she looks shor...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/26/12 at 15:08Bellhop36: I Love annaliese but this picture is weak, she cou...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/26/12 at 02:59atothet: I think this is the best face she's given- I ...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/25/12 at 00:31puppetmasters21: I think it's one of the weakest by far. I get...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/24/12 at 21:40stretchomania: meh, its alright but she looks constipated and sho...
Annaleise Dayes2149 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker03/24/12 at 21:35NikkySan: I'm sorry but I really dislike this girl, I w...
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