Last comments - Cycle 17 - ALL STARS |
Isis King4146 views08/04/11 at 17:12Mycatjewel: Yes she got her surgery a few years ago.
Sheena Sakai3734 views08/04/11 at 17:12Mycatjewel: Don't these last few comments count as spoile...
Allison Harvard7877 views08/04/11 at 17:10Mycatjewel: She represents the Lollypop Guild. Should win.
Laura Kirkpatrick4244 views08/04/11 at 17:09Mycatjewel: Her face is cute.
Angelea Preston4721 views08/04/11 at 17:09Mycatjewel: She looks fabulous!
Lisa D'Amato4686 views08/04/11 at 17:08Mycatjewel: What the shit?
Bianca Golden3962 views08/04/11 at 17:08Mycatjewel: Not excited for her.
Bre Scullark3498 views08/04/11 at 17:07Mycatjewel: I take it these were meant to embody their persona...
Kayla Ferrel4590 views08/04/11 at 17:06Mycatjewel: ^ No its not. She looks two feet tall and her neck...
Alexandria Everett5179 views08/04/11 at 17:05Mycatjewel: Her forehead looks like its eating her face.
Sheena Sakai3734 views08/04/11 at 16:27R-crazyness: Not over this photo! Based on photo I think Lisa s...
Shannon Stewart4151 views08/04/11 at 15:41aero847: Ya, I want to like it, but I don't...
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