Last comments - Cycle 17 - ALL STARS |
Camille McDonald3154 views08/14/11 at 16:52ShaM181: No jus no loool Not a fan of Camille and she'...
Brittany Brower4121 views08/14/11 at 16:49ShaM181: Umm I luved her on the show in cycle 4 really did....
Bianca Golden3962 views08/14/11 at 16:41ShaM181: Back to the long black/red hair huh bianca? I'...
Angelea Preston4721 views08/14/11 at 16:38ShaM181: Ya'll are some hattterrs. I luv this girl. Ob...
Alexandria Everett5179 views08/13/11 at 03:55Selumt0: >_> I hated her last cycle, if she goes far ...
Isis King4146 views08/13/11 at 01:02jericho: @Magical_Juan - She. It's just she.
Angelea Preston4721 views08/12/11 at 20:09Bummelund: are you guys blind? wth dude
Bianca Golden3962 views08/12/11 at 16:40smartyj: @puppetmasters21, you are totally right...i'm...
Allison Harvard7877 views08/12/11 at 01:09Adele128: Ugh, she did that idiot staring at the camera agai...
Sheena Sakai3734 views08/11/11 at 20:58Aerial: I believe Sheena is going, there are always spoile...
Shannon Stewart4151 views08/11/11 at 20:54Aerial: Hmm, good photo but she's boring, Robyn shoul...
Lisa D'Amato4686 views08/11/11 at 20:53Aerial: MY FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC BITCH EVER. I want her to pi...
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