Last comments - Cycle 17 - ALL STARS |
Allison Harvard7421 views09/24/11 at 00:02laguna: allison should win this cycle. hands down.
Laura Kirkpatrick3829 views09/23/11 at 23:28laguna: totally awful. cycle 13 truly is lackluster in ter...
Sheena Sakai3282 views09/23/11 at 22:55nocturnal_lights: I like sheena, but honestly I feel like this is th...
Lisa D'Amato4298 views09/23/11 at 22:52nocturnal_lights: She got the first call out because she fulfilled t...
Isis King3188 views09/23/11 at 22:49nocturnal_lights: I think they picked this shot to be campy, you kno...
Camille McDonald3089 views09/23/11 at 22:24uptowngirl1502: this is deserved bottom 2.she's not a dive at...
Sheena Sakai3282 views09/23/11 at 22:21uptowngirl1502: i think Sheena is boring,i don't like her fro...
Sheena Sakai3734 views09/23/11 at 22:08: So why is she standing on water?
Dominique Reighard3825 views09/23/11 at 21:49JUSTINGYM8: THESE CYCLES PHOTOS ARE SO CHEAP
Angelea Preston4177 views09/23/11 at 21:07r3tard3dnynja: that is one killer smile!
Allison Harvard7421 views09/23/11 at 19:40kara4thewin: classic allison pose... just adorable and this doe...
Shannon Stewart3638 views09/23/11 at 17:43LisaTheDiva: She got the best dress.
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