Last comments - Cycle 17 - ALL STARS |
Alexandria Everett4238 views09/24/11 at 14:52pir8coast: I will always love Alex! Her bitchiness is just th...
Bianca Golden3962 views09/24/11 at 14:25Rainiemao: well that bag has clearly been photoshopped in... ...
Allison Harvard7421 views09/24/11 at 11:28Morocco 16 & Elina lo: And i thought for a moment that i would never see ...
Angelea Preston4177 views09/24/11 at 01:49brokendoll93: I have a feeling she's going to win...
Angelea Preston4177 views09/24/11 at 01:13Aerial: @FashionFatale Exactly. Angelea would make a great...
Bianca Golden3333 views09/24/11 at 01:09Aerial: Bianca is wonderful this cycle, I hope she goes fa...
Dominique Reighard3825 views09/24/11 at 01:08Aerial: ^ I think it looks like how it is supposed to be. ...
Shannon Stewart3638 views09/24/11 at 01:05Aerial: Never liked Shannon in her cycle, but I like her n...
Laura Kirkpatrick3829 views09/24/11 at 01:01Aerial: They shouldn't bring anyone from cycle 13. Gi...
Kayla Ferrel3483 views09/24/11 at 00:57Aerial: Send her home. She's not all-star material an...
Sheena Sakai3282 views09/24/11 at 00:55Aerial: She looks like plastic.
Allison Harvard7421 views09/24/11 at 00:54Aerial: ^ No, she shouldn't. It would be so previsibl...
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