Last comments - Ondrei Edwards |
Ondrei Edwards989 viewsPhoto: Intyce Media02/26/11 at 19:3812xantmx17: OMG, she's so cute, and I love her to death! ...
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/26/11 at 15:59: Blank but it catches my eye
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/26/11 at 15:31LisaTheDiva: Very pretty.
Ondrei Edwards989 viewsPhoto: Intyce Media02/26/11 at 15:30cookiezz: Hate the earring but....ONDREI! <3
Ondrei Edwards989 viewsPhoto: Intyce Media02/26/11 at 13:54CookieKillerable: The first time I saw this I thought it was a young...
Ondrei Edwards959 viewsPhoto: Intyce Media02/26/11 at 13:46esteban16: I just wish she could be taller! But I really like...
Ondrei Edwards959 viewsPhoto: Intyce Media02/26/11 at 12:43TaiOfMine: Baby Tyra...! I love her face though... she's...
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/26/11 at 09:33TheEroticKitty: She has a STUNNING face and is incredibly cute, bu...
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/25/11 at 13:52: she'll be good for beauty campaigns but as a ...
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/25/11 at 12:18cookiezz: She's so cute. I hope she makes it far.
Ondrei Edwards3159 viewsPhoto: Russell James02/25/11 at 09:34OoSleePLesSsoO: love her face
Ondrei Edwards3922 views02/25/11 at 09:01Selumt0: her name is Ondrei Aroe. You should add it
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