Last comments - Terra White |
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/28/10 at 13:25XLR8ing: Blah
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/28/10 at 00:25SuperChocoBrownBear: she reminds me of Alasia
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/26/10 at 11:51kara4thewin: I dnt see model in her
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 18:54jeag.spe: terra terra terra I dont really have too much for ...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 14:28LisaTheDiva: ^Thanks. But they all look short!
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 13:49SCNTMuploads: @LisaTheDiva - She's the shortest this cycle.
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 12:26mig: hmm, not sure. better than her sis?
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 11:06Milly: I see something in her.
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 09:47yaya: this cycle the black girls except kendal are so cy...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 07:24danny_20001: I dont like Chris or Terra. But, If I have to choo...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 06:05ribzy: Cute. But not a model.
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/25/10 at 01:38antmchocholate: i like her sister better, actually
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