Last comments - Terra White |
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/11/10 at 08:08OoSleePLesSsoO: i dont like her, she is so so annoying especially ...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/10/10 at 13:25Quiet_123: ♥
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/10/10 at 10:34ineedamodelchick: she's cute..but that's about it. average...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/10/10 at 04:39jon63: Too old. Too short. Shouldn't have made it pr...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/08/10 at 23:13: neither her or her sister will make it far. i bet ...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/07/10 at 19:05Interestinq_One: she seems child like && immature
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/04/10 at 22:32Bfab: Average
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/03/10 at 07:41xrickyxryuki: Maybe she saw Rhianna behind the photographer. She...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks09/02/10 at 15:47sapphire green: My first impression is that I like her; her eyes s...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/31/10 at 21:07TheEroticKitty: This cycle the black girls except Kendal are so Cy...
Terra White4425 viewsPhoto: Jessica Brooks08/30/10 at 07:31MystiqueTopModel: @jeag.spe: I have to totally agree! xD
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