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Home > Cycle 10 > Dominique Reighard

Last comments - Dominique Reighard
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments02/04/09 at 00:46curdledsauce: I wouldn't have eliminated someone just becaus...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments02/04/09 at 00:43RunFiercely: I thought Allison was atrocious on the show, but n...
Dominique Reighard1562 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector11 comments02/04/09 at 00:41curdledsauce: She kinda looks like J.Lo here.
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments02/04/09 at 00:40david18: I would eliminate Amis as well, simply because she...
Dominique Reighard997 viewsPhoto: Sherry Parker3 comments02/04/09 at 00:40curdledsauce: In the thumbnail I thought it was Tyrant.
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments02/04/09 at 00:38RunFiercely: I would have eliminated Amis. Bottom 2: Amis and A...
Dominique Reighard1401 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector6 comments02/04/09 at 00:38curdledsauce: She may be pretty in some shots but I don't se...
Dominique Reighard1401 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector6 comments02/04/09 at 00:37RunFiercely: So cute and pretty.
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector18 comments02/04/09 at 00:37curdledsauce: It looks like she's eating and has to stop, to...
Dominique Reighard1562 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector11 comments02/04/09 at 00:37RunFiercely: Stunning.
Dominique Reighard1569 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector10 comments02/04/09 at 00:36curdledsauce: Yes, not so aerodynamically streamlined, isn't...
Dominique Reighard1569 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector10 comments02/04/09 at 00:36TaiOfMine: I see a little Tyra in this...
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