Last comments - Dominique Reighard |
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:04curdledsauce: Victoria was being defensive, maybe it's not h...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:01RunFiercely: If Twiggy said "You're quite prickly"...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:58curdledsauce: From what I remember, she didn't even raise he...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:57RunFiercely: To be honest, I don't think her comment at the...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:55david18: Victoria was new to the business. She wanted to le...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:53RunFiercely: I do. But I do hate to say it, Victoria may have s...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:52david18: ^Never thought of that. Hmmm...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:52curdledsauce: Run, are you Twiggy?
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:51david18: ^Run has a vendetta against Victoria (minus the mu...
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 00:49david18: It reminds me of her final six commercial when she...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:49curdledsauce: @RunFiercely: I never had the impression that Vict...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 00:48RunFiercely: C7's Michelle is a good example. Fabulous, but...
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