Last comments - Dominique Reighard |
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 01:25mrbam: Paulina's pretty funny.On this picture i think...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:24david18: *Waiting for a j/k, not, or photo to be posted und...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:22RunFiercely: Yeah she had a lot of potential.
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:21david18: No matter what anyone says, Victoria will always b...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:17RunFiercely: As much as that sickened me, I could totally see t...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:15david18: "Jenah, we see a high-fashion vixen, but what...
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 01:15curdledsauce: Haha. Paulina is Love.
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 01:14RunFiercely: I think the best Paulina moment was her imitation ...
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 01:12david18: I LOVED Paulina's imitation of whitney's c...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:12RunFiercely: "Jenah, although you take nice photos, you wa...
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz02/04/09 at 01:10david18: I think it's pretty obvious that Saleisha wasn...
Dominique Reighard1493 viewsPhoto: Robert Ector02/04/09 at 01:10curdledsauce: ^They all were...I even loved how Lauren was winci...
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