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Home > Cycle 10 > Dominique Reighard

Last comments - Dominique Reighard
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/07/08 at 14:57bazooka joe: rmstrumpet1...i agree she's just not a model.
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/07/08 at 10:28ineedamodelchick: has anyone else noticed that sound seems to get f*...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/07/08 at 08:25rmstrumpet1: I do agree that this is her best shot, but at the ...
Dominique Reighard5506 views72 comments05/06/08 at 21:20Garysgonnasay: how is it over the top? Shes just standing there.....
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments05/06/08 at 19:19Jaylen: She does look like a soccer mom LOL
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 14:30TaiOfMine: Hay guys - Gretchen's account has been deleted...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 11:54Epochalypse: Spoilers? Again? Can anyone say permanent ban plea...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 11:37Inspired: there's no need to spoil that Dominique will l...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 11:03ineedamodelchick: where is this "confirmed" information co...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 10:46Garysgonnasay: Wait is she really going... because Me and my fami...
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/06/08 at 10:12SanderB: beautiful photo, but in person she looks old
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments05/05/08 at 01:34SaNtErIa: ^ I was asking myself the same question? lol *sarc...
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