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Home > Cycle 10 > Dominique Reighard

Last comments - Dominique Reighard
Dominique Reighard2410 viewsPhoto: Derek Blanks8 comments10/20/08 at 12:04Michelle&AmandaBabin: I dun like it... I mean she has so much potential,...
Dominique Reighard2410 viewsPhoto: Derek Blanks8 comments10/20/08 at 08:36RunFiercely: So fabulous.
Dominique Reighard2410 viewsPhoto: Derek Blanks8 comments10/20/08 at 07:03LaLoLu: Ooer, is the train gonna run her over ? Very Happy
Dominique Reighard5506 views72 comments10/19/08 at 19:44Mycatjewel: Eew to the shirt!
Dominique Reighard5879 viewsPhoto: Sarah McColgan38 comments10/19/08 at 19:43Mycatjewel: Drag on!
Dominique Reighard6891 views37 comments10/19/08 at 19:43Mycatjewel: Bad dye job.
Dominique Reighard6849 viewsPhoto: George Holz176 comments10/19/08 at 19:43Mycatjewel: CELLULITE!
Dominique Reighard6445 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana36 comments10/19/08 at 19:41Mycatjewel: Great face, but her legs look big.
Dominique Reighard10178 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham75 comments10/19/08 at 19:41Mycatjewel: This was the first week I saw her perform as good ...
Dominique Reighard7860 viewsPhoto: Russell James47 comments10/19/08 at 19:40Mycatjewel: Her shoot had better shots. One was in profile and...
Dominique Reighard7635 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal53 comments10/19/08 at 19:39Mycatjewel: I love it.
Dominique Reighard12139 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks86 comments10/19/08 at 19:38Mycatjewel: "Dominique really knows how to pose and place...
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