Last comments - Angelea Preston |
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 17:38w0lff: good pic, still her
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 17:27mboban: this is more like cover-tranny than cover-girl. s...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 16:43greg18: yes her photo is good, but her attitude is terribl...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 15:53Buffytb: ^This must be one of those pictures when losing th...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 15:17Tamaraa: She lost her neck...... but it's a nice pictur...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 14:42zheff: Covermom.
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 14:17ChandlerBing: ^This is so not drag, beesh
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 13:10chrismoore: krista should hv called first not this drag
Angelea Preston9070 viewsPhoto: D-nice04/16/10 at 13:08chrismoore: flat
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 12:49ineedamodelchick: the judges like it! anyone who saw the shoot, know...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 12:27Yurokei: Backlad11, what are you talking about? Her eyes ar...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/10 at 11:51thegayangel: becouse she have the best photo of the week in it ...
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