Last comments - Angelea Preston |
Angelea Preston7593 views04/26/10 at 05:19sionmaisley: Its awful why did the judges like this? also her r...
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/26/10 at 05:12yaya: i think she is stealing something from someones ba...
Angelea Preston7593 views04/26/10 at 04:55yaya: no not nice but interesting think the crazed monke...
Angelea Preston7593 views04/26/10 at 04:54PPPLLL: Disgusting photograph from Angelea.
Angelea Preston9185 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/26/10 at 04:52PPPLLL: Not Covergirl..but more of The Apprentice.
Angelea Preston9070 viewsPhoto: D-nice04/26/10 at 04:50PPPLLL: Her most high fashion photo to date...most definit...
Angelea Preston6730 viewsPhoto: Sarah Silver04/26/10 at 04:49PPPLLL: I actually kinda love the face..
Angelea Preston7987 viewsPhoto: Cade Martin04/26/10 at 04:48PPPLLL: OVERRATED!!!
Angelea Preston7923 viewsPhoto: Brian Edwards04/26/10 at 04:47PPPLLL: Her hair in this shot makes me very uncomfortable.
Angelea Preston9567 viewsPhoto: Jonathan Mannion04/26/10 at 04:46PPPLLL: I hate the face but love the pose and SHOES of cou...
Angelea Preston7593 views04/26/10 at 00:12miffy.wild: how can she still be in the competition?! she hasn...
Angelea Preston7593 views04/26/10 at 00:03cycle7fan: BAD.
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