Last comments - Claire Unabia |
Claire Unabia2018 viewsPhoto: Catherine Westergaard
For: Unvogue, Fall 200812/31/08 at 14:09Camera+Me=Adrenaline Rush: The fact that she gets work proves me right
Claire Unabia1173 viewsPhoto: Brandon Gilbert12/30/08 at 10:48lighter2darker: empty faces .
Claire Unabia1926 viewsPhoto: Andre Wright Jr.
For: Mute Magazine12/29/08 at 21:53j5s2s095: Despite everything else wrong with this picture, s...
Claire Unabia2735 viewsFor: Wal-Mart/CoverGirl12/25/08 at 18:59Glamorous: Claire has big teeth.
Claire Unabia2735 viewsFor: Wal-Mart/CoverGirl12/25/08 at 15:31RunFiercely: Really cute. I'm surprised.
Claire Unabia2735 viewsFor: Wal-Mart/CoverGirl12/25/08 at 15:29LaLoLu: I don't see anything special about her since p...
Claire Unabia5057 viewsPhoto: Andre Wright Jr.
For: Mute Magazine12/25/08 at 04:26lighter2darker: omg looks drag queen .
Claire Unabia1190 views12/24/08 at 20:57Jesse_Dillon: I would liek to see her with extensions. Dont kno ...
Claire Unabia1190 views12/24/08 at 20:54david18: As long as she doesn't go doing stupid things ...
Claire Unabia1190 views12/24/08 at 20:50Jesse_Dillon: It would def help if sumbody helped her with her h...
Claire Unabia778 viewsPhoto: Shiloh Crawford12/24/08 at 20:48Jesse_Dillon: ^ I agree
Claire Unabia1615 views12/24/08 at 20:47david18: She has slight under-eye bags. That's nothing ...
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