Last comments - Claire Unabia |
Claire Unabia1190 viewsPhoto: Maan Palmiery
For: Sense & Style Magazine, August 201108/29/11 at 13:05TaiOfMine: These are the kind of images I'd rather see o...
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201108/27/11 at 18:58finalz101: OMG I remeber seeing the article in time about &qu...
Claire Unabia1777 views08/23/11 at 15:46Majestic: Claire, you look so pretty here! But that girl on ...
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201108/11/11 at 20:46LadyDay: Anyone know what the article is for?
Claire Unabia623 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201107/30/11 at 01:50NikkySan: Her husband is cute.
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201107/29/11 at 17:35pollywolly: ^That's because they really are her kids, and...
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201107/29/11 at 14:29flupic: Hey, you take what you can get.
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201107/29/11 at 14:09puppetmasters21: I love how 80% of Claire's work is around her...
Claire Unabia564 viewsPhoto: Peter Rad
For: Time Magazine, August 201107/29/11 at 11:45WonkEye: Those look like they're really her kids. I w...
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James07/07/11 at 11:08iLoveKatarzyna: they could have at least given her a better wig, t...
Claire Unabia5057 viewsPhoto: Andre Wright Jr.
For: Mute Magazine06/17/11 at 18:46NikkySan: Tyra: Okay Claire, here's your CoverGirl shot...
Claire Unabia2523 viewsPhoto: Catherine Westergaard
For: Unvogue, Fall 200806/11/11 at 18:20NikkySan: She looks like Naduah in this photo.
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