Last comments - Claire Unabia |
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 04:18Who_Will_Be_ANTM: ^so..Celia made you change your mind about Claire?
Claire Unabia7465 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham05/05/09 at 04:15david18: It's fairly good, but not terribly memorable t...
Claire Unabia7465 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham05/05/09 at 04:14Morrie: Really, this is the only shot of Claire's that...
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 04:14david18: I was really turned off by her on during the show,...
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 04:13Morrie: I didn't see the appeal of Claire during the s...
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 04:12Who_Will_Be_ANTM: ^you do? i thought you HATED her!!
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 02:20david18: I love Claire, but this is horrible.
Claire Unabia6524 viewsPhoto: Russell James05/05/09 at 02:06crisp: Fine k, Bryan. t's out of my system now anyway...
Claire Unabia7031 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal05/04/09 at 22:06Americas_Next_Top_Model: ^^^^LOLOLOL how can it look like a alien in a good...
Claire Unabia5913 viewsPhoto: Trevor O'Shana05/04/09 at 21:59Americas_Next_Top_Model: I HATE THIS SHOT! SO OVERRATED SHES NOT EVEN TOUCH...
Claire Unabia6568 viewsPhoto: George Holz05/04/09 at 21:58Americas_Next_Top_Model: yeah i thought this was supposed to be lingerie
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