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Home > Cycle 10 > Claire Unabia

Last comments - Claire Unabia
Claire Unabia7031 viewsPhoto: Mike Rosenthal61 comments08/03/08 at 02:26Wishingstar12345: I don't think this is bad enough to send her h...
Claire Unabia7465 viewsPhoto: Peter Buckingham58 comments08/03/08 at 01:07Lil_mission93: I kinda like the emo/punk look
Claire Unabia6568 viewsPhoto: George Holz63 comments08/03/08 at 01:06Lil_mission93: she doesnt look like a lingerie model
Claire Unabia5530 viewsPhoto: Sarah McColgan41 comments08/03/08 at 01:05Lil_mission93: y did the judges like this
Claire Unabia1190 views13 comments08/02/08 at 12:48Inspired: nice eyes ... ^i liked her weird hair on the show ...
Claire Unabia1264 views8 comments08/02/08 at 12:46Inspired: agree that it needs more neck and softer expressio...
Claire Unabia5057 viewsPhoto: Andre Wright Jr.
For: Mute Magazine
104 comments08/02/08 at 07:14chantal4ever: She got paid for this?!?!?! Shocked
Claire Unabia924 viewsPhoto: Shiloh Crawford5 comments08/01/08 at 22:40deathkami: whats up with all the contortion.. so weird.... fa...
Claire Unabia1264 views8 comments08/01/08 at 22:38TaiOfMine: I've waffled back and forth on Claire. Pre-sho...
Claire Unabia790 viewsPhoto: Shiloh Crawford3 comments08/01/08 at 22:38deathkami: ^agreed...
Claire Unabia860 views4 comments08/01/08 at 22:38deathkami: XD in the thumbnail i thought it was jenah with he...
Claire Unabia863 views4 comments08/01/08 at 22:37deathkami: she is but its just really light...
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