Last comments - Nicole Fox |
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/10/09 at 07:01ALLISONILOVEYOU: SHE IS MY FAVORITE HOPE SHE WINS
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/10/09 at 06:37: Not a fan of this shot.
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/10/09 at 00:40magicalfox: Love her face and her sad eyes. I do see soo much ...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/10/09 at 00:09shadow13: i love her. she is like the next allison harvard w...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/09/09 at 22:54lucks: They could 'change' her name giving her a ...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/09/09 at 03:54Bas73: Paper_101, you're SOOOOO right! Tyra chooses h...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/08/09 at 17:43Paper_101: I LovE this girl and her look but of course she wo...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/08/09 at 14:02iLoveKatarzyna: LOVE HER!
Nicole Fox5807 views09/08/09 at 09:52Bas73: Her face is FIERCE! I hope she doesn't get a s...
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/06/09 at 16:48Starfish: ^Yeah, I love red heads!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker09/06/09 at 00:12hearyoume: So happy we have a red-head this cycle!
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