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Home > Cycle 13 > Nicole Fox

Last comments - Nicole Fox
Nicole Fox15993 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker281 comments04/21/11 at 13:34vivijessica: calm energy from a virgin!
Nicole Fox854 viewsFor: Winter Kate, Spring 20112 comments04/21/11 at 13:26vivijessica: she seemed older than her age is in this photo
Nicole Fox1232 viewsPhoto: Michael Blank7 comments04/20/11 at 16:20D.: She reminds me sooo much of Alice Burdeu, I know i...
Nicole Fox1232 viewsPhoto: Michael Blank7 comments04/12/11 at 05:13puppetmasters21: AGGGHHHH IT'S SO FREAKING AMAZING.
Nicole Fox14180 viewsPhoto: Jonathan Mannion203 comments04/11/11 at 12:15booyouwhore: reminds me of Tilda Swinton
Nicole Fox11364 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker131 comments04/11/11 at 12:13booyouwhore: favorite cycle by far only person in the last grou...
Nicole Fox15205 viewsPhoto: Tyra Banks167 comments04/04/11 at 21:47marijana: she is the one of my favorites that I get to win: ...
Nicole Fox12597 viewsPhoto: Steve Shaw165 comments04/01/11 at 10:28jetz: her face looks so amazing in this picture. the pos...
Nicole Fox3403 viewsPhoto: Tom Munro
For: CoverGirl
27 comments04/01/11 at 01:51kike21: ^ thank u Laughing
Nicole Fox3004 viewsPhoto: Don Flood
For: CoverGirl
19 comments03/31/11 at 03:51Erico: i think they photoshoped her looks longer...
Nicole Fox3403 viewsPhoto: Tom Munro
For: CoverGirl
27 comments03/30/11 at 06:48maximiwax: ^it's how it should be... the right one is je...
Nicole Fox3403 viewsPhoto: Tom Munro
For: CoverGirl
27 comments03/28/11 at 17:29siouxieq78: Love the picture, but it makes the mascara look cl...
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