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Last comments - Brittany Markert
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 02:11thegayangel: it ok but not great Embarrassed
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 01:36OctobyrOctobyr: oh la la.. the image to the right gives me the chi...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 01:05Morrie: Meh, I don't see anything special about it in ...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 00:41Glamorous: I don't like it...
Brittany Markert 10186 viewsPhoto: Jim DeYonker136 comments10/15/09 at 00:41cikayelle: Heh, she was wearing that same low-cut fuschia top...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 00:19: Love! She looks really long and strong in all thre...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 00:15: She was the ONLY one to give SOMETHING with the fa...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 00:08puppetmasters21: they're all pretty good, but they're all t...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/15/09 at 00:02masi72: it looks very the one on the left and ...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/14/09 at 23:59karenzuelalulz: No neck on any of the pictures and she looks super...
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/14/09 at 23:37Who_Will_Be_ANTM: 4rd BEST
Brittany Markert7430 viewsPhoto: Patricia Van Oh91 comments10/14/09 at 23:35puppetmasters21: was anyone else loling at her edited boobs when Ka...
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