Last comments - Bianca Richardson |
Bianca Richardson692 views10/30/09 at 02:38ASKD: the idea and the set and the type of photography l...
Bianca Richardson791 viewsFor: Black Opal Beauty10/30/09 at 02:33frostbite: She looks like a man in drag.
Bianca Richardson1974 views10/30/09 at 02:31kaoru: gosh WTF
Bianca Richardson2225 viewsFor: Betsey Johnson10/30/09 at 02:29frostbite: Nnenna? o__o
Bianca Richardson780 viewsPhoto: JU Harden10/30/09 at 01:46lluvy143: bre?
Bianca Richardson777 views10/30/09 at 01:24modelatico: LMAO Karen, the same!
Bianca Richardson880 views10/30/09 at 01:14Who_Will_Be_ANTM: wow, it seems like girls from this petite cycle ha...
Bianca Richardson777 views10/30/09 at 01:13Who_Will_Be_ANTM: this is so Bianca Golden!
Bianca Richardson601 views10/30/09 at 01:12Who_Will_Be_ANTM: hahaha, she copied Ashley's baby picture
Bianca Richardson770 views10/30/09 at 01:11Who_Will_Be_ANTM: this is nice, so unlike her photos on the show
Bianca Richardson1053 views10/30/09 at 01:10Who_Will_Be_ANTM: she looks amazing from that angle and with that ha...
Bianca Richardson891 views10/30/09 at 01:09Who_Will_Be_ANTM: so this is Bianca with hair...
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