Last comments - Bianca Richardson |
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez04/11/12 at 22:18antmgenuine: I don't like her, But I like the photo, I don...
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus04/11/12 at 22:17antmgenuine: EWWWW!!!!!!! WORST MAKEOVER SHOT EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus02/22/12 at 09:26Selumt0: Why was she on the floor posing for a fadeout shot...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez10/11/11 at 02:08gstarrrr: lol @ her foot coming out of the shoe
Bianca Richardson423 viewsPhoto: Roy Cox
For: Cole Stevens Hair Salon & Spa08/18/11 at 00:09sncanton: looks like a school teacher of a mother not a mode...
Bianca Richardson5849 viewsPhoto: Firooz Zahedi08/12/11 at 13:23susysanchez: she is dennis rodman?
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus07/29/11 at 00:24NikkySan: ^ Except Bianca was on the show before Raina.
Bianca Richardson351 viewsPhoto: Roy Cox
For: Cole Stevens Hair Salon & Spa07/25/11 at 12:06WonkEye: If that salon can make Bianca look this soft, I...
Bianca Richardson980 viewsFor: Aman Itomi Jewelry06/21/11 at 21:16Carcole77: gorgeous
Bianca Richardson980 viewsFor: Aman Itomi Jewelry06/21/11 at 13:28Yurokei: Money shot!
Bianca Richardson980 viewsFor: Aman Itomi Jewelry06/21/11 at 13:08DreamWarrior808: this is beautiful! she's softing up but a lit...
Bianca Richardson980 viewsFor: Aman Itomi Jewelry06/21/11 at 08:30androidastig: she looks like keenyah here
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