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Home > Cycle 13 > Bianca Richardson

Last comments - Bianca Richardson
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:59Jorge_<3ANTM_[J]: mmm i don't like this girl i see her so shy......
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez119 comments09/10/09 at 16:58Starfish: It's ok, but nothing special, so NEXT!
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:57bigdmarie08: shes just too nnenna for me.
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:56Starfish: This looks exactly like Nnenna.
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez119 comments09/10/09 at 16:54MoonlightX: Boring.
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:53MoonlightX: Pretty fierce straight on.
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez119 comments09/10/09 at 16:49antmchocholate: I like the body but the face is medicore I knew sh...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez119 comments09/10/09 at 16:44I♥EvaPigford: the pose and face are great! but girl get your hea...
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:42I♥EvaPigford: ^lol they even said that in casting week XD
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:41ccass1502: WOAH! WELCOME BACK NNENA Shocked
Bianca Richardson4760 viewsPhoto: Jerry Mettellus93 comments09/10/09 at 16:41I♥EvaPigford: Wow! Shes gorgeous here! very Powerful! but she ne...
Bianca Richardson5331 viewsPhoto: Baldomero Fernandez119 comments09/10/09 at 16:39Tacita: I like the pose, but that's about it.
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