Last comments - Teyona Anderson |
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:55Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: ^^By the people on this site, the judges made it s...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:43sparkle: The only way she wont will is if she came to the j...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:42JQ: Underrated? lol. What's you favorite ANTM pho...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:41Piacere: Completely agree with you David, I noticed Teyona ...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:32Eat-Your-HeartOut-Tyra: This shot is superbly underrated...sniff, I smell ...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:32david18: I've dumped Team Teyona like Allison dumped Ni...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:25sparkle: She grew on me like Giselles nose mole.
Teyona Anderson15523 viewsPhoto: Keith Major04/16/09 at 21:25andymenne555: I don't like how you can see her teeth through...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:24andymenne555: I can't say I'm on "Team Teyona"...
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:20sparkle: I know thats what caught my eye
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:18david18: OMG! at London's roots.
Teyona Anderson11795 viewsPhoto: Mike Ruiz04/16/09 at 21:17sparkle: My eyes went to Londons hair
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