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Home > Cycle 12 > Tahlia Brookins

Last comments - Tahlia Brookins
Tahlia Brookins9353 viewsPhoto: Brian Edwards314 comments12/01/13 at 22:51Canadagirl1234: Of course any time someone gives a harsh critique ...
Tahlia Brookins6272 viewsPhoto: Marc Royce
For: People Magazine, Vol. 71, No. 11 (March 23, 2009)
84 comments12/01/13 at 20:04Canadagirl1234: Yeah not really living for her sob story, It'...
Tahlia Brookins5423 views34 comments11/23/13 at 23:00Canadagirl1234: This is really a nothing shot. I can't see he...
Tahlia Brookins273 viewsPhoto: ALT Photography1 comments05/04/13 at 00:37ANTMguy: thought it was brandy in the thumbnail
Tahlia Brookins6272 viewsPhoto: Marc Royce
For: People Magazine, Vol. 71, No. 11 (March 23, 2009)
84 comments01/02/13 at 09:33BryanJanDavis: Looking back, I get kinda irked seeing this pictur...
Tahlia Brookins6272 viewsPhoto: Marc Royce
For: People Magazine, Vol. 71, No. 11 (March 23, 2009)
84 comments12/31/12 at 18:30JUSTINGYM8: Feel free to write your opinions, but please at le...
Tahlia Brookins9118 views211 comments11/19/12 at 16:56antmgenuine: ew, ugly.
Tahlia Brookins951 viewsPhoto: DK Photography8 comments11/19/12 at 16:56antmgenuine: ugly
Tahlia Brookins11327 viewsPhoto: Keith Major256 comments11/19/12 at 16:55antmgenuine: gorgeous
Tahlia Brookins5423 views34 comments11/19/12 at 16:54antmgenuine: ugly.
Tahlia Brookins1453 viewsPhoto: Sean Kapera
For: Bladz Hair Color Spa
18 comments08/04/12 at 03:48ANTMguy: ugh....tahlia please stop trying...
Tahlia Brookins7977 viewsPhoto: Nigel Barker98 comments04/22/12 at 16:19antmgenuine: I agree with Natalie, This was the worst of the we...
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