Last comments - Tahlia Brookins |
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 01:05RunFiercely: You just did a Renee Modelville exit because I jus...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 01:04david18: *Re-enters room because he forgot to laugh, follow...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 01:03RunFiercely: HAHAHAHAHA I am the best. And a supermodel.
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 01:00Jesse_Dillon: so how about those cheap backgrounds? [tries to ch...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:59david18: *Insert exasperated sigh followed by exit*
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:56RunFiercely: Well I just never liked the girls that think JUST ...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:53david18: RF, you can't really say that any girl DOESN...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:50RunFiercely: You cannot say that she didn't use her sob sto...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:14david18: How did it help her if it was never mentioned?
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/29/09 at 00:13Jesse_Dillon: Fine i wont, but you cant say her story didnt help...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/28/09 at 23:55david18: True. It's the face and body that make me crin...
Tahlia Brookins9114 views01/28/09 at 23:53mangotango00: I didn't know about her getting burnt. That i...
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